Sunday, October 2, 2011


Juggling isn't easy sometimes. I've been working more hours than I have in a LONG time along with volunteering, schooling and trying to run my household. Needless to say, I've been a little emotional over the last 2 weeks. I was so excited to finally have a girls night out with some friends.

We had a great time. There was too much food (as always), much laughter and so much fun. It felt good to talk without having someone interrupt your every word. It had definitely been too long. Release is so good. Thanks girls. Can't wait to do it again soon. :)

After being gone for almost 6 hours, I came home and hubby went with a friend to practice for worship for today's service at church. I had a little quiet time, so I decided to check out my email and then I checked on a friend's CaringBridge (free websites for people facing serious medical conditions--a great way to keep everyone informed). What I saw I was unprepared for.

B. had set up the website for her son, N. who may have been 19 or so when he was diagnosed with spinal cancer. Our family has tried to keep updated on how sweet N. has been doing, praying together for complete recovery for him. Well, last night I saw that he passed away on September 17th. The same day that our little lovely had a birthday. My heart is broken. He died just 12 days before his 22nd birthday. I can't even imagine.

As I sat there in tears reading past posts about this amazing young man, I began to wonder. If I could talk to B., what would I say? How could I be an encouragement to her? I knew then that there would be nothing I could say (except that I will be praying) to encourage her. I knew that because of her faith in her Creator Jesus, she would be the one comforting and encouraging me.

The Lord met her and showed her that she needs to look to Him, not for N. That N. was safe with Him, no longer suffering. That was such a comfort for her. And even though they will continue to grieve (I don't think a person actually ever "gets done" grieving), Jesus will meet her and her family every step of the way in the process. The pain will get to be less over time and there will be further time between the bouts of heart-wrenching sadness. He is ever faithful. I pray for a full, yet as quick-as-possible recovery. I truly feel speechless.